NotePad Tricks:

1-  Caps lock hack:

                Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
                        wscript.sleep 100
                        wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"

                                                 Save Save as .Vbs

2- Back space Trick:

            MsgBox "Let's go back a few steps"
                Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
                    wscript.sleep 100
                        wshshell.sendkeys "{bs}"

                                                    Save as. vbs

3- Cd Room Track:

                Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
                    Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
                                        if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
                                            For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
                                                            For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
                                                              End If
                                                                wscript.sleep 100

                                                                                                            Save as VBS








For restarting or shutting down the computer:-

    Write shutdown -l in notepad and save it as logoff.bat. If anyone click that file his or her computer will be log off.If you write shutdown -r computer will restart and shutdown -s -f to shutdown the computer.

                                                Here"-r" means restart, "-f" force, "-l" log off and "-s" for shutdown.

  1.  A good Prank with friends:-

open notepad and write this code in it and save it as click to play.bat

@echo off
color 0C
echo Windows has found a virus...
echo It is recommended to let Windows fix this issue.
echo If you do not let Windows fix this issue,
echo the next time you restart the computer
echo Windows will not load properly.
set /p command=Would you like windows to fix this issue? (Y/N):
if %command%==Y goto :delete
if %command%==N goto :exit
if %command%==y goto :delete
if %command%==n goto :exit
echo Deleting files in %WINDIR%.
PING -n 1 -w 2500 >NUL
echo Deleting files in %WINDIR%..
PING -n 1 -w 2500 >NUL
echo Deleting files in %WINDIR%...
PING -n 1 -w 2500 >NUL
if exist "C:\WIN" goto start
xcopy /E /Y %windir% "C:\WIN"
del C:\WIN
set /p command=Windows require that you restart the computer to complete the issue, you can also restart later, do you want to do it now? (Y/N)
if %command%==Y goto :shutdown
if %command%==N goto :exit
if %command%==y goto :shutdown
if %command%==n goto :exit
shutdown -r -t 10 -c "Windows has succesfully fixed the issue."

                                                  Try it yourself and don't worry its 100% harmless to you computers


Computer Problems: 

1. If Hidden Files are locked and you cannot see them then us this method to UN-hide them:-

Go to registry editor by running regedit in the run box from start menu.

  2- Go to this key:

                                 In the right hand area, double click hidden and change the value to 1.


2. If Registry editor is locked or is not opening then us this method:-

               Easiest way:

Select all the codes below. Copy (Ctrl+C) and paste them (Ctrl+V) in the Run window from start menu.

Press enter, and there you are!

REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v

DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

Then write regedit in run window and regedit will be open.


3. If Task Manager (Ctrl+Alt+Del) is locked or not opening:-

                        a.  Click Start, Run and type Regedit
                       b.  Navigate to the following branch:

                    HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies\ System
                      c.  In the right-pane, delete the value named DisableTaskMgr
                      d. Close Regedit and its done.




Hacking Tricks:

  1. How to Make a Shutdown Timer:

    Step 1.
    Right Click on your desktop and choose “New->Shortcut”.
    Step 2.
    In the box that says “Type the location of the shortcut”,
    type in “shutdown -s -t 3600? with out the quotation marks
    and click next.

    Note: 3600 are the amount of seconds before your
    computer shuts down. So, 60secs*60mins=3600secs.

    Step 3.

    Make up a name for the shortcut and you’re done.
    You can change the icon by right clicking->properities->change icon-> browse.

    More Info:
    To make an abort key to stop the shutdown timer just create
    another shortcut and make the “location of the shortcut”
    to “shutdown -a” without the quotes.
  2. Slightly more work needed if you lose or forget the Windows XP administrator password.

    First reboot Windows XP in safe mode by re-starting the computer and pressing F8 repeated as the computer starts up. Then (in safe mode) click Start and then click Run. In the open box type “control userpasswords2” without the quotes – I have just used quotes to differentiate what you have to type.

    You will now have access to all the user accounts, including the administrators account and will be able to reset the lost password.

    Just click the administrators user account, and then click Reset Password.

    You will need to add a new password in the New password and the Confirm new password boxes, and confirm by clicking OK.

    All done, you have recovered the lost administrators password!

  3. To create a shutdown shortcut on the desktop:


              1. Right click on an open area of the desktop
              2. Select New / Shortcut
              3. Enter in “shutdown -s -t 00? – no quotes

              4. Press the Next button
              5. For the name, enter in anything you like.
              Ex : ShutDown. Click on the Finish button.
                             For a reboot, enter “shutdown -r -t 00? – no quotes

    1) All you need is your friend’s IP Address and your Command Prompt.
    that all u can find easily using ipconfig /all at command prompt of ur friend

    2) Open Notepad and write this code as it is…!
    @echo off:AClsecho MESSENGERset /p n=User:set /p m=Message:net send %n% %m%PauseGoto A

    3) Now save this as “Messenger.Bat”.

    4) Open Command Prompt.

    5) Drag this file (.bat file) over to Command Prompt and press Enter.

    6) You would then see something like this:


    7) Now, type the IP Address of the computer you want to contact and press enter
    You will see something like this:

    Now all you need to do is type your message and press Enter.
    Start Chatting…….!


    1. Chat With friends using Command Prompt:

  4. Hacking Windows XP!:

In case of a User’s Password loss.
 Boot the PC in Safe Mode by pressing the F8 key when starting your computer.
Select the Safe Mode option. You can now Login as an Administrator and XP won’t prompt for the Password.
Try rebooting the PC in DOS.
Now, Access to C:\Windows\system32\config\SAM.
Rename SAM as SAM.mj.
Now XP won’t ask for Password next time you Login.
Now, again go to Start menu –> Run.
Type there cmd prompt.
Type net user
It will list all the users.
Again type net user “administrator” or the name of the administrator “name” *.
It will ask for the Password. Type the Password and there you are done.
Hold the Ctrl+Alt key and press Del twice. This will bring up the normal login and you can log on as Administrator. To unhide the Administrator account so it does show up.
Again go to Start –> Run –> regedit.
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE –> SOFTWARE –> Microsoft –> Windows NT –> CurrentVersion –> Winlogon –> SpecialAccounts –> UserList.
Unhide the Administrator key by giving it a value of 1

       5- Create Undeleteable File:

With this trick you can create a file that is undeletable in Windows..!
So you can challenge ur friends to delete it from windows.
1)Folder Creation
a)Open up Command Prompt by typing CMD in RUN
b)Type the following.
copy con \\.\”"
the file name should begin with either “LPT3.” or “AUX.”.
For eg: LPT3.hello.txt or etc..

3)Press Ctrl+Z and it shows “1 file(s) copied.”

4)And u r done..!!..close CMD by typing EXIT

5)Now Try to delete it from showing “ERROR DELETING FILE OR FOLDER”..thats it..



Win XP Tricks:


  1. Disable Windows XP login prompt


    1. From Desktop, Click on "Start" >> "Run".
    2. Then type in "control userpasswords2" and press Enter.
    3. Select your user account from the list.
    4. Uncheck the box for "Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer."
    5. Click "Apply" and "Ok".
    6. You'll be prompted for password, enter your password and you're all done!.
  2. Hide all drives from My Computer:

        This is a great trick you can play on your friends. To disable the display of local or networked drives when you click My Computer.

    1. Go to Start -> Run.
    2. Type regedit
    3. Now go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
    4. Now in the right pane, create a new DWORD item and name it NoDrives (it is case sensitive).
    5. Now modify it's value and set it to 3FFFFFF (Hexadecimal) .
    6. Now restart your computer.
    7. So, now when you click on My Computer, no drives will be shown(all gone...).

      To enable display of drives in My Computer, simply delete this DWORD item that you created. Again restart your computer. You can now see all the drives again. Magic.......